Gentlemen, if your lady makes you pizza, cherish her. That one is a keeper.

Ladies, same goes to you. That man is precious. Guard him with your life.

Pizza making is a labour of love. The kneading, the prepping, the sauce making, it practically takes up an entire afternoon and possibly, the whole day and requires quite a lot of elbow grease. But this recipe, I’m going to be showing you the easy way out when you’d only have to sped less than an hour to assemble it all together.

You see, I am a lazy person. But I’m also a perfectionist who believes in tradition. Which is why I’m gonna give you the traditional way and also the easy way. I am also going to share with you a white piza dough recipe and also a brown pizza dough recipe. You are free to use whatever floats your boat really.

So don’t be alarmed at the length of the recipe. It’s variations in the same dish I am giving, so you can pick and choose.

So we had some real fun with this and it really is amazing. The best part is that you get to eat it all afterwards. And I swear to you, you will kiss all those cherished pizza places goodbye once you make your very own pizza right at home.



Thin, crunchy crust topped with a luscious tomato sauce, smoky chicken, peppers, onions with cheese oozing on top of it all – one bite and you are in gourmet heaven. This is the real handmade deal, the stuff that you pay thousands for but really, the cost is just a fraction. The tomato base is sweet and fragrant with oregano perfuming it all while the chili flakes provide that much needed kick to the ensemble. The basil is subtle underneath it all, like the “eternal rocks beneath” as Emily Bronte once said, embracing it all in a delightful herb-ey embrace. The peppers provide an umami to the dish while the onions having being caramelized in the juices of it all serenade the pizza to another dimension and uplift each bite with a goose bump Inducingly-good crunch.

Writing this made me crave for pizza again. There’s tomatoes in the oven. And pork. And peppers. Hmmm…….

Really, why spend so much on unhealthy, greasy take away stuff when you can make even more delicious ones right at home? You’ll be surprised at the difference you create. And will probably never go back to the store bought stuff again!


Pizza tips

  • Add two anchovies to the pizza sauce, before adding the garlic to the olive oil. This will lend an extra layer of flavor to the pizza.
  • You don’t actually need to heap on so much stuff on the pizza – but we Sri Lankans sure do love it this way. All you need is a good pizza dough – this pizza dough, and a good pizza sauce – this pizza sauce. Top it up with some olive oil, basil leaves and mozzarella and you’ve got yourself a classic margarita.
  • Substitute the chicken with any sort of protein that you like. I LOVE oily bits of pork in mine. They add extra moisture and flavor to the pizza. Yum!
  • Applying olive oil to the dough before placing other ingredients keeps the dough from getting damp. The oil basically keeps the dough crispy.